What Is Invisalign?
Treatment that Flies Under the Radar
How They Look
Invisalign clear aligners are made of transparent material, making them effectively invisible as they straighten your teeth!
How They Work
Clear aligners are made to fit your teeth, specifically. Once you are fitted, your clear aligners will begin gently shifting your teeth into a straight smile!
How They Feel
Invisalign clear aligners are designed to gently move your teeth into place, minimizing discomfort while giving quick results.
How They Last
Invisalign clear aligners are made of a durable, medical-grade plastic that is crafted to last the duration of your treatment without significant damage.
Why Choose Invisalign?
An Option That Gives Confidence
Invisalign clear aligners are a popular option because of their invisibility, and because they are a removable option. This removes the necessity of diet restrictions while making them easier to clean as well!
Frequently Asked Questions
About General Dentistry
Does Invisalign Hurt?
Invisalign moves your teeth more gently than tradition treatment, which usually minimizes discomfort, but does not get rid of it completely.
How Often Will I Need Checkups?
Every two weeks, you will need to come into our offices for any necessary adjustments.
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
This largely depends on your healthcare coverage. We provide flexible and affordable payment options, and we recommend setting up a consultation to discuss financing your treatment!
How Often Do I Need To Clean My Clear Aligners?
Cleaning your clear aligners after each meal is ideal, as well as every morning and every night.
How Often Should I Wear My Clear Aligners?
You should be wearing your clear aligners for 22 hours each day, only removing them to eat.
Are There Any Dietary Restrictions?
Because they are removable, clear aligners do not have any dietary restrictions.
Coverage To Smile About
Financing Your Dental Care
More and more studies show that your oral health is directly linked to your overall health. Getting proper dental care needs to be as important a part of your healthcare routine as exercise, eating right, and having a yearly medical exam. But that doesn’t make dental care any easier—especially if you don’t have dental insurance.
Our team understands and that is why we have created Coverage to Smile About.