Technology is an important tool in the field of dentistry. Quality tools, accurate x-rays and other tools of the trade are a very important part of providing you with great care!
Our Treatment Philosophy
What Is Dental Technology?
The Importance of Good Tools
Cleaning Your Teeth
Having the proper tools to clean your teeth as thoroughly and expertly as possible is an essential part of giving you the quality care we are so passionate about.
Quality x-rays help us determine the best course of treatment for a wide range of issues that we couldn’t otherwise see with the naked eye.
Cosmetic Technology
Being properly equipped for procedures such as filling cavities and repairing chipped teeth is important because you have trusted us with your smile.
Monitoring your oral health happens when you’re out of the office, too. Having the proper software to analyze your x-rays and the development of your teeth is important.
Why Does Tech Matter?
Exceptional Tools for Exceptional Care
Offering you quality care means not cutting corners when it comes to technology. We pride ourselves on providing you with educated dental professionals equipped with the cutting-edge tools they need not just to do the job, but to do it exceptionally well.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Dental Technology
Why Is Dental Technology Important?
Developments in dental technology have allowed us to perform more accurate assessments that lead to more effective treatment.
What Is Considered Dental Technology?
Anything from x-ray machines to the tools we use to clean your teeth are considered dental technology!
How Do Dentists Learn How To Use Dental Technology?
Dentists and dental assistants learn how to use technology through years of schooling and diligent continued education as new tech arises!
How Does Dental Technology Keep Me Safe?
Dental technology allows us to pay closer attention to detail, giving you more precise treatment with a high level of confidence!
Does Higher Technology Make Treatment More Expensive?
No, the cost of your treatment plan is not and should not be determined by the tools we use!
Why Invest In Technology?
From getting you checked in and out faster to seeing your teeth with more detail, technology helps us give you quality care at every step of treatment!
Are There Any Dental Technologies I Can Use At Home?
There are certain teeth whitening treatments that you can do at home, as well as tools such as water piks that can help you go the extra mile in cleaning your teeth!
Coverage To Smile About
Financing Your Dental Care
More and more studies show that your oral health is directly linked to your overall health. Getting proper dental care needs to be as important a part of your healthcare routine as exercise, eating right, and having a yearly medical exam. But that doesn’t make dental care any easier — especially if you don’t have dental insurance.
Our team understands, and that is why we have created Coverage to Smile About.