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Most people have gargled with salt water at some point in their lives, usually to soothe a sore throat during a cold. But did you know that gargling with salt water can have more health benefits than just soothing a sore throat? A warm salt water gargle can also help your teeth and gums, and it can even relieve some symptoms of allergies. 

Beavers and Broomfield Family Dentistry encourages patients to use a warm saltwater gargle when necessary, but not too often! There is a fine line between healthy gargling and overdoing it, which can actually damage your health. When should you use a warm water gargle? Here are some great examples.

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5 Benefits of Gargling Salt Water

Gargling with warm salt water has many great benefits for your mouth, gums, and throat. Why does gargling with salt water help? The salt can soothe inflammation, kill bacteria, and prevent reinfections from colds. However, overuse of a warm salt water rinse can reduce your calcium levels (which are needed for healthy teeth!) and give you high blood pressure.

It’s best to limit your gargling to 1-2 times a day unless you’re using it in the short term to soothe a sore throat or dry up a mouth ulcer. Then 3-4 times a day is acceptable for up to 3 days.

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Gargle With Warm Salt Water to Soothe Sore Gums

Patients with sore gums from dental treatment or orthodontic work can gargle with warm salt water to soothe inflammation. The warm salt water encourages circulation in the gums, which promotes healing. The warmth of the water also reduces discomfort. 

Be sure to spit out the water after swishing it around a few times so you don’t fully ingest all the salt. You also want to be certain not to make the water too hot, or it can scald your already sensitive gum tissue.  

Warm Salt Water Rinse Kills Bacteria

Gargling salt water can kill bacteria in your mouth and throat. That includes bacteria that can attack your teeth and gums, causing gum disease and tooth decay. That bacteria can also cause bad breath. It doesn’t kill all the bacteria, so it’s still important to brush and floss regularly. However, if you’ve just had a dental procedure, such as a tooth extraction, gargling with warm salt water may be a better way to rinse your teeth while that area of your mouth heals. 

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Why Does Salt Water Help a Sore Throat? 

Your throat can get irritated in several ways, from allergies to viruses to simple overuse. Warm salt water can soothe the sore tissue, but it can also kill bacteria and loosen mucus on the back of the throat that, could be adding to the irritation. 

If you have a sore throat, you can gargle up to 3-4 times a day to speed up healing. If your throat is still sore after three days, it might be best to call your doctor. You may need something stronger to heal your throat, like antibiotics.

Salt Water Gargle Can Help Allergies

Millions of Americans suffer from allergy issues, primarily in the spring and fall. Some people can have allergies year-round. Mucus drainage from the nose and sinuses can irritate your throat. You can also get a sore throat from snoring because your nose is stopped up when you sleep.

How does gargling with salt water help? The salt water mouth rinse works to break up the mucus that may be irritating your throat. It also adds water and sodium to your dry throat, providing moisture that reduces discomfort and inflammation. If you’re having allergy issues during certain times of the year, you might add rinsing with salt water before bed to your routine. It may keep you from waking up with a sore throat from allergies.

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A Salt Water Gargle Can Help Heal Mouth Ulcers

Have you ever had a mouth ulcer, sometimes called a canker sore? Those things hurt! The faster they’re gone, the better. Gargling with warm salt water can help! While the warm salt water soothes the pain, the salt kills the bacteria in and around the sore, allowing it to dry up and heal faster. It may sting a little at first, but will be well worth it to get rid of that mouth sore faster! 

How to Make a Proper Warm Salt Water Gargle

So what’s the best way to make a warm saltwater gargle? There are several recipes out there. A typical saltwater gargle adds ¼ tablespoon to ½ tablespoon of salt to 8 ounces of warm water (remember, not too hot!). Stir until the salt is well dissolved. 

The proper way to gargle is to tilt your head back and gargle the water over your throat, then swish it around your mouth a couple of times before spitting it out. Do this until all 8 ounces of water is gone. Don’t use too much salt, or it may not dissolve properly. The goal is to have a saltwater solution that tastes salty but isn’t over the top.

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Oral Care in Fayetteville, AR

If you have sore gums, mouth sores, or a sore throat that persists, there may be more going on than you think. If you’re in Fayetteville, AR, or Northwest Arkansas, Beavers and Broomfield Family Dentistry can examine your mouth and gums for other issues. You may have the start of gum disease, tooth decay, or an infection. We can help! Schedule an appointment with us, and let us find out why your saltwater rinse may not be providing the cure you need.

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